Weekly Tech Notes #1


Hello folks!

Today I’m starting a new series of posts where I’ll share interesting links found during the week. The purpose is to keep track of the most engaging topics I read and share them with you all. Resources shared won’t necessarily be the most recent ones.

I’ll try to be consistent and publish them on Fridays to wrap up the week.

Let’s start!

  • So long passwords, thanks for all the phish – Google added support for passkeys to its accounts, a more convenient and safer alternative to passwords. The “Under the hood” section is worth reading to understand how it works.
  • GitHub code search is generally available – Github announced the general availability of its code search feature.
  • The technology behind GitHub’s new code search – If code search is something you’re interested in, this article can give you a better understanding of how it works in practice and at Github’s scale.
  • Monoliths are not dinosaurs – Werner Vogels, CTO at Amazon, explains that there is no architectural pattern to rule them all and that you should revisit every order of magnitude of growth. If you need to rethink the architecture, designing it as an evolutionary one will make it easier.
  • Scaling up the Prime Video audio/video monitoring service and reducing costs by 90% – Werner mentions this in the previous article, but it’s worth reading the full story about how Amazon Prime Video switched from a microservices to a monolith architecture (yes, you read it right).
  • How to recover from microservices – In the same vein, David Heinemeier Hansson, CTO at Basecamp, explains how the need for microservices is often overestimated and how to recover from them.
  • Notification System: Design that scales – Here you can find a high-level overview of how to design a notification system. There’s a lot more to it, but it’s a good starting point.
  • Load Balancing – A great introduction to load balancing, with a focus on the different algorithms used to distribute the load. It touches round-robin, weighted round-robin, least connections and Peak Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (PEWMA).
  • You don’t need Scrum. You just need to do Kanban right. – I always felt Scrum was too rigid and Kanban a better fit for most teams. This article gives valid arguments to support this idea.

See you next week! 👋